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Raise Your Vibration for Intuition + Channelling

  • Course
  • 28 Lessons

In this mini course, you will received coded quantum teachings, self guided activities, and powerful breathwork, visualisations + activations to support raising your vibration for stronger communication with yourself and others. Once you master raising your vibration, you begin to realise your own potential for exponential growth and soul expansion.


Are you someone who already knows how to connect in with your intuition and channelling abilities but would like a stronger connection?

Are you someone who struggles to connect at all and you want to learn how?

Do you want to strengthen the connection to yourself and learn how to open your lines of communication in a more profound way?

There’s something in this mini course for everyone. 


It is your natural human design to be able to harness the voice within you to help navigate and guide you on this journey of life. 

This is your intuition and ability to channel information. 

Many of us have simply forgotten that this exists in everyone or perhaps have just choosen to ignore it. And for those who are awakened and choose to utilise this power, you are seeking ways to further explore and anchor the connection more deeply into your way of being. 

This course will help you to feel more aligned to your soul and your soul’s path as you start to shift your own vibration to be able to become much more conscious of the messages that are being communicated to you every single day. 
Creating a life that flows with ease from listening in to what you really want with crystal clear clarity, is an absolute game-changer. 
But it all starts with shifting your personal vibration. Your intuitive and channelled messages are meant to be free-flowing throughout the day - not just when you are sitting in deep states of meditation. 


Infused in quantum teachings and practices, this mini course holds energetic keys to help you unlock your inner wisdom around deepening your intuitive and channelling abilities. 
You will find yourself connecting into more of your untapped potential as your relationship with yourself becomes an infinite playground of realisations to raise your level of consciousness. 
It’s also a taste of some of my deeper teachings in areas that I have embodied and integrated into my life, and have guided many others to do the same. 
You will learn about: 

  • Broadening your awareness and how you are creating your own reality
  • The difference between intuition and channelling
  • Why your vibration is so important when it comes to intuition and channelling
  • Tips on how to raise your vibration to increase your abilities
  • Masculine and feminine energies and how to balance them within you
  • The importance of your thoughts, feelings and emotions


 Your mini course includes: 
  • Over 2.5 hours of video content (11 videos)
  • Information sheets and self-guided activities
  • A breath practice
  • A channelled guided Visualisation and Intuition Activation
  • PLUS a special offer discount code for $111 off the upcoming Expansion Masters program

Your bonuses include:
  • 111 mins of additional videos with teachings to help you on your spiritual path:
    • Remember who you are
    • The energy of scarcity
    • Tapping into your energetic frequency 
    • The spiritual path is not always easy 
    • Changing it or choosing it?
  • 2 x pre-recorded Masterclasses from previous events
  • 1 x guided Soul Alignment Activation

Hi, I'm Leanne!

I am a multi-dimensional healer, soul expansion mentor and energy guide here to guide you on your awakening and ascension journey.
Formally trained and certified as a Reiki Master, Quantum Energy Coach and Yoga & Meditation teacher, I use my knowledge and soul gifts to help you embody your infinite potential so that you can illuminate and expand your light & magic.
My mission is to help you master your energy and awaken your soul gifts. 

I’m not here for the light hearted. I’m here to help you to become more conscious of your shadow aspects and integrate them to create massive shifts.